Letter written by Thomas Monroe to Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York

Ameirican Civil War Letter

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				<title>Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital,
					Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly
					Tanner, of South Granville, New York: a machine readable transcription</title>
					<resp>Transcribed and converted to TEI-conformant markup by </resp>
					<name><orgName>Backstage Library Works</orgName></name>
				<distributor><orgName>Hamilton College Library</orgName></distributor>
				<bibl><title>Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General
						Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends
						Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York ,
						#cw02183</title><date when="1865-06-26">June 26, 1865</date></bibl>
			<div1 type="letter">
				<pb n="1" xml:id="p1"/>
						>PAGE IMAGE</ref><space quantity="15"/>U.S.<lb/> Christian Commission<lb/>
					"This is a faithful saying, and worth of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came
					into the world to<lb/> save sinners; of whom I am
							chief."<lb/><lb/><dateline><space quantity="55"
							/><date>1865</date><lb/><space quantity="5"/><name type="building">USA <choice>
							</choice> Hospital<reg>United States General Hospital (Frederick,
								Maryland)</reg></name><lb/><space quantity="5"
								/><placeName><settlement>Frederick</settlement><region type="state"><choice>
								</choice></region><reg>Frederick, Maryland</reg></placeName>&#160;
							<date when="1865-06-26">June 26th</date></dateline><salute><space
							Franklin</reg></persName> and
								<persName><forename>poley</forename><reg>Tanner, Franklin (Mrs.,
								Polly C.)</reg><reg>Tanner, Polly C. (Mrs. Franklin
				<p> I now take this opportunity<lb/> to answer your letter <choice>
					</choice><lb/> I received some time ago<lb/> my reasons for not answering<lb/>
					it before is that I<lb/> had nothing to write for<lb/> it is a dull place here
					I<lb/> can tell you there dont seem<lb/> to by any <choice>
					</choice> going on<lb/> in
						<placeName><settlement>Frederick</settlement></placeName> it is not
					like<lb/> our Northern towns.<lb/><space quantity="10"/>My health is very<lb/>
					good at present and I hope<lb/> this will find you the<lb/> same. I am nursing
					here<lb/> now for there is a good<pb n="2" xml:id="p2"/><ref
						>PAGE IMAGE</ref> many sick and wounded<lb/> who are not able to be
					sent<lb/> Home yet nor wont be for<lb/> months to come and some<lb/> person has
					got to stay and<lb/> take care of them so it will<lb/> be some time before I
					get<lb/> away from here<lb/><lb/><space quantity="10"
						Franklin</reg></persName> I suppose<lb/> you have commenced<lb/> haying by
					this time the<lb/> Farmers are <choice>
					</choice> their<lb/> Wheat about here they say<lb/> their wheat is the best<lb/>
					it has <choice>
					</choice> for ten years<lb/> they dont have any Potatoes<lb/> to <choice>
					</choice> down here nothing<lb/> but Wheat and corn I dont<lb/> think the White
					men work so<pb n="3" xml:id="p3"/><ref
						>PAGE IMAGE</ref> as you do they hire the<lb/> negroes for they will<lb/>
					work very cheap so it is<lb/> very seldom that a white<lb/> man can get work
					from the<lb/> Farmers this freeing the slaves<lb/> is bad for the poorer
					class<lb/> who have to Labor for<lb/> their support it seems<lb/> rather hard
					that after<lb/> these same men who have<lb/> Fought and <choice>
					</choice> everything<lb/> in in defence of their country<lb/> and to free the
					slaves that<lb/> now they should take the<lb/> Bread out of their mouths<lb/> to
					feed the Blacks and now<lb/> the negroes are not satisfied<lb/> they wish to be
					allowed the<lb/> right of <choice>
					</choice> and to<lb/> hold offices they want<lb/> power. This Nation will<pb
						n="4" xml:id="p4"/><ref
						>PAGE IMAGE</ref> yet Rue the day that<lb/> they turned them loose<lb/> upon
					the country<lb/><space quantity="5"/>you <choice>
					</choice> in your last<lb/> letter of <persName><forename>henry</forename>
						<surname>Welch</surname><reg>Welch, Henry</reg></persName> being<lb/> home I
					would like to see<lb/> him well I am very sorry<lb/> that he met with such<lb/>
					an accident his career in<lb/> the army is <choice>
					</choice>&#160; <choice>
					</choice><lb/> from mine I suppose we<lb/> had <choice>
					</choice> motives for<lb/> enlisting Please tell
					Henry</reg></persName><lb/> that I would be very happy<lb/> to hear from him for
					it is<lb/> a long time since I got<lb/> a letter form him But I<lb/> will close
					excuse poor<lb/> writing write soon</p>
				<closer><salute><space quantity="7"/>Good Bye
						Thomas</reg></persName></signed><dateline> address
							<surname>Monroe</surname><reg>Monroe, Thomas</reg></persName><lb/>
						<name type="building">USA <choice>
							</choice> H.s.p<reg>United States General Hospital (Frederick,
								</choice></region><reg>Frederick, Maryland</reg></placeName> Barrack
						L <persName><forename>T</forename>
Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York: a machine readable transcription Monroe, Thomas Transcribed and converted to TEI-conformant markup by Backstage Library Works 4 2004 Hamilton College Library letters_misc Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York , #cw02183 June 26, 1865
PAGE IMAGE U.S. Christian Commission "This is a faithful saying, and worth of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." 1865 USA Generl General HospitalUnited States General Hospital (Frederick, Maryland) Frederick Md Maryland Frederick, Maryland   June 26th Friends Franklin Tanner, Franklin and poley Tanner, Franklin (Mrs., Polly C.) Tanner, Polly C. (Mrs. Franklin Tanner)

I now take this opportunity to answer your letter whitch which I received some time ago my reasons for not answering it before is that I had nothing to write for it is a dull place here I can tell you there dont seem to by any buisness business going on in Frederick it is not like our Northern towns. My health is very good at present and I hope this will find you the same. I am nursing here now for there is a good PAGE IMAGE many sick and wounded who are not able to be sent Home yet nor wont be for months to come and some person has got to stay and take care of them so it will be some time before I get away from here Franklin Tanner, Franklin I suppose you have commenced haying by this time the Farmers are cuting cutting their Wheat about here they say their wheat is the best it has ben been for ten years they dont have any Potatoes to hve have down here nothing but Wheat and corn I dont think the White men work so PAGE IMAGE as you do they hire the negroes for they will work very cheap so it is very seldom that a white man can get work from the Farmers this freeing the slaves is bad for the poorer class who have to Labor for their support it seems rather hard that after these same men who have Fought and sufered suffered everything in in defence of their country and to free the slaves that now they should take the Bread out of their mouths to feed the Blacks and now the negroes are not satisfied they wish to be allowed the right of suferage suffrage and to hold offices they want power. This Nation will PAGE IMAGE yet Rue the day that they turned them loose upon the country you spok spoke in your last letter of henry Welch Welch, Henry being home I would like to see him well I am very sorry that he met with such an accident his career in the army is widley widely   diferent diffrerent from mine I suppose we had diferent different motives for enlisting Please tell Henry Welch, Henry that I would be very happy to hear from him for it is a long time since I got a letter form him But I will close excuse poor writing write soon

Good Bye Thomas Monroe Monroe, Thomas address Thomas Monroe Monroe, Thomas USA Generl General H.s.pUnited States General Hospital (Frederick, Maryland) Frederick Md Maryland Frederick, Maryland Barrack L T M Monroe, Thomas



Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York: a machine readable transcription Monroe, Thomas Transcribed and converted to TEI-conformant markup by Backstage Library Works 4 2004 Hamilton College Library letters_misc Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York , #cw02183 June 26, 1865 PAGE IMAGE U.S. Christian Commission "This is a faithful saying, and worth of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." 1865 USA Generl General HospitalUnited States General Hospital (Frederick, Maryland) Frederick Md Maryland Frederick, Maryland   June 26th Friends Franklin Tanner, Franklin and poley Tanner, Franklin (Mrs., Polly C.) Tanner, Polly C. (Mrs. Franklin Tanner)

I now take this opportunity to answer your letter whitch which I received some time ago my reasons for not answering it before is that I had nothing to write for it is a dull place here I can tell you there dont seem to by any buisness business going on in Frederick it is not like our Northern towns. My health is very good at present and I hope this will find you the same. I am nursing here now for there is a goodPAGE IMAGE many sick and wounded who are not able to be sent Home yet nor wont be for months to come and some person has got to stay and take care of them so it will be some time before I get away from here Franklin Tanner, Franklin I suppose you have commenced haying by this time the Farmers are cuting cutting their Wheat about here they say their wheat is the best it has ben been for ten years they dont have any Potatoes to hve have down here nothing but Wheat and corn I dont think the White men work soPAGE IMAGE as you do they hire the negroes for they will work very cheap so it is very seldom that a white man can get work from the Farmers this freeing the slaves is bad for the poorer class who have to Labor for their support it seems rather hard that after these same men who have Fought and sufered suffered everything in in defence of their country and to free the slaves that now they should take the Bread out of their mouths to feed the Blacks and now the negroes are not satisfied they wish to be allowed the right of suferage suffrage and to hold offices they want power. This Nation willPAGE IMAGE yet Rue the day that they turned them loose upon the country you spok spoke in your last letter of henry Welch Welch, Henry being home I would like to see him well I am very sorry that he met with such an accident his career in the army is widley widely   diferent diffrerent from mine I suppose we had diferent different motives for enlisting Please tell Henry Welch, Henry that I would be very happy to hear from him for it is a long time since I got a letter form him But I will close excuse poor writing write soon

Good Bye Thomas Monroe Monroe, Thomas address Thomas Monroe Monroe, Thomas USA Generl General H.s.pUnited States General Hospital (Frederick, Maryland) Frederick Md Maryland Frederick, Maryland Barrack L T M Monroe, Thomas