Sample Personography of Tudor Monarchs

This is a sample personography file of Tudor Monarchs courtesy of the Women Writers Project resources page: In Vitro Samples. The file was originally generated by Melanie Chernyk.

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<TEI xmlns="">
        <title>Tudor Dynasty Personography</title>
        <publisher>Northeastern University Women Writers Project</publisher>
            <!-- copyright or copyleft information here -->
          <!-- source information here; better yet, use a <biblStruct> instead -->
        <person xml:id="HENR7" role="king">
          <persName>Henry VII of England</persName>
          <floruit from="1485" to="1509"/>
          <birth when="1457">
            <placeName>Pembroke Castle, Wales</placeName>
          <death when="1509">
            <placeName>Richmond Palace, England</placeName>
            <note type="cause">tuberculosis</note>
        <person xml:id="HENR8" role="king">
          <persName>Henry VIII of England</persName>
          <floruit from="1509" to="1547"/>
          <birth when="1547">
            <placeName>Greenwich Palace, Greenwich∏</placeName>
          <death when="1509">
            <placeName>Palace of Whitehall, London</placeName>
            <note type="cause">unknown</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="medium">obesity</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="low">Type II Diabetes</note>
        <person xml:id="EDWA6" role="king">
          <persName>Edward VI of England</persName>
          <floruit from="1547" to="1553"/>
          <birth when="1553">
            <placeName>Hampton Court Palace, Middlesex</placeName>
          <death when="1553">
            <placeName>Greenwich Palace</placeName>
            <note type="cause">unknown</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="medium">tuberculosis</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="low">poisoning</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="low">pneumonia</note>
        <person xml:id="JANE1" role="queen">
          <persName>Lady Jane Grey</persName>
          <floruit from="1553" to="1553"/>
          <birth notBefore="1536" notAfter="1537"/>
          <death when="1554">
            <placeName>Tower of London</placeName>
            <note type="cause">beheading</note>
        <person xml:id="MARY1" role="queen">
          <persName>Mary I of England</persName>
          <floruit from="1553" to="1558"/>
          <birth when="1516">
            <placeName>Palace of Placentia, Greenwich</placeName>
          <death when="1558">
            <placeName>St James' Palace</placeName>
            <note type="cause" cert="high">influenza</note>
        <person xml:id="ELIZ1" role="queen">
          <persName>Elizabeth I of England</persName>
          <floruit from="1558" to="1603"/>
          <birth when="1533">
          <death when="1603">
            <note type="cause">unknown</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="low">blood poisoning</note>
            <note type="cause" cert="low">cancer</note>
Tudor Dynasty Personography Northeastern University Women Writers Project



Tudor Dynasty Personography Northeastern University Women Writers Project Henry VII of England Pembroke Castle, Wales Richmond Palace, England tuberculosis catholic Henry VIII of England Greenwich Palace, Greenwich∏ Palace of Whitehall, London unknown obesity Type II Diabetes protestant Edward VI of England protestant Hampton Court Palace, Middlesex Greenwich Palace unknown tuberculosis poisoning pneumonia Lady Jane Grey protestant uncrowned Tower of London beheading Mary I of England catholic Palace of Placentia, Greenwich St James' Palace influenza Elizabeth I of England protestant Greenwich Richmond unknown blood poisoning cancer