I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free

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        <p>Publication Information</p>
        <p>Information about the source</p>
          <person xml:id="speaker"><p>I</p></person>
          <person xml:id="performer"><p>Nina Simone</p></person>
          <person xml:id="listener"><p>You</p></person>
          <person xml:id="audience"><p>Montreux</p></person>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-01"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-02"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-03"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-04"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-05"/>
      <relation active="#performer" passive="#audience" type="performerInsert" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-06"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-07"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-08"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-09"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-10"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-11"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="repetition" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-12"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-13"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-14"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-15"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-16"/>
      <relation active="#performer" passive="#audience" type="performerInsert" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-17"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="repetition" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-18"/>
      <relation active="#performer" passive="#audience" type="performerInsert" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-19"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-20"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-21"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-22"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-23"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-24"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-25"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-26"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="request" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-27"/>
      <relation active="#performer" passive="#audience" type="performerInsert" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-28"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-29"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-30"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-31"/>
      <relation active="#speaker" passive="#listener" type="narration" subtype="unrelated" ref="#say-32"/>
      <div type="verse">
          <seg xml:id="fbf-01" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Wish I knew how
            it would feel to be free</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-02" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I wish I could break
            all the chains that's still binding me</seg>, yeah
          <seg xml:id="fbf-03" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Wish I could say
            all the things that I can say when I'm relaxed</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-04" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I'd be starting anew</seg>
      <div type="verse">
          <seg xml:id="fbf-05" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I wish I could be
            like a bird in the sky</seg> <seg xml:id="fbf-06" type="knowledgestate" subtype="performerInsert" style="color:orange">(Don't leave <seg type="pers" style="font-style:italic">me</seg>)</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-07" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">How sweet it would be 
            to find that I could fly</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-08" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I'd soar to the sun</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-09" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">and look down at the sea</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-10" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Then I'd sing</seg> '<seg xml:id="fbf-11" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">cause I know
            how it feels to be free</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-12" type="knowledgestate" subtype="repetition" style="color:cyan">Then I'd sing 'cause I know
            how it feels to be free</seg>
      <div type="verse">
          <seg xml:id="fbf-13" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I wish I could share
            all the love that's in my heart</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-14" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I wish I could break
            all things that bind us apart</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-15" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Wish you could know
            what it means to be me</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-16" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">And you'd see, you'd agree,
            everybody should be free</seg> <seg xml:id="fbf-17" type="knowledgestate" subtype="performerInsert" style="color:orange">('Cause if <seg type="pers" style="font-style:italic">we</seg> ain't <seg type="pers" style="font-style:italic">we'd</seg> be murderers)</seg>
      <div type="verse">
          <seg xml:id="fbf-18" type="knowledgestate" subtype="repetition" style="color:cyan">Wish I could be
            like a bird in the sky
            How sweet it would be
            if I could find that I could fly
            Soar to sun, look down at see </seg>
          and I know, yes I know
          <seg xml:id="fbf-19" type="knowledgestate" subtype="performerInsert" style="color:orange">(Ah, yeah, spirit's movin' now)</seg>
      <div type="verse">
          <seg xml:id="fbf-20" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I know,</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-21" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I got news for you: I already know</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-22" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Jonathan Livingston's seagull ain't got nothing on me,</seg> free
          Free, free, free, <seg xml:id="fbf-23" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I'm free</seg>,
          <seg xml:id="fbf-24" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">and I know it</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-25" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">Don't wanna be a- and I show it,</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-26" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">but I'm still free</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-27" type="knowledgestate" subtype="request" style="color:purple">Just believe in me</seg> <seg xml:id="fbf-28" type="knowledgestate" subtype="performerInsert" style="color:orange">(It's alright)</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-29" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">And I'd sing,</seg> sing, sing,
          <seg xml:id="fbf-30" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">'cause I would know</seg>
          I already know
          I already know
          <seg xml:id="fbf-31" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I found out
          How it feels
          not to be chained
          to anything, 
          to any race, 
          to any faith, 
          to any body, 
          to any greed, 
          to any hopes, 
          to any- anything</seg>
          <seg xml:id="fbf-32" type="knowledgestate" style="color:red">I know how it feels to be free!</seg>

Publication Information

Information about the source

Wish I knew how it would feel to be free I wish I could break all the chains that's still binding me, yeah Wish I could say all the things that I can say when I'm relaxed I'd be starting anew
I wish I could be like a bird in the sky (Don't leave me) How sweet it would be to find that I could fly I'd soar to the sun and look down at the sea Then I'd sing 'cause I know how it feels to be free Then I'd sing 'cause I know how it feels to be free
I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart I wish I could break all things that bind us apart Wish you could know what it means to be me And you'd see, you'd agree, everybody should be free ('Cause if we ain't we'd be murderers)
Wish I could be like a bird in the sky How sweet it would be if I could find that I could fly Soar to sun, look down at see and I know, yes I know (Ah, yeah, spirit's movin' now)
I know, I got news for you: I already know Jonathan Livingston's seagull ain't got nothing on me, free Free, free, free, I'm free, and I know it Don't wanna be a- and I show it, but I'm still free Just believe in me (It's alright) And I'd sing, sing, sing, 'cause I would know I already know I already know I found out How it feels not to be chained to anything, to any race, to any faith, to any body, to any greed, to any hopes, to any- anything I know how it feels to be free!




Publication Information

Information about the source


Nina Simone



Wish I knew how it would feel to be free I wish I could break all the chains that's still binding me, yeah Wish I could say all the things that I can say when I'm relaxed I'd be starting anew
I wish I could be like a bird in the sky (Don't leave me) How sweet it would be to find that I could fly I'd soar to the sun and look down at the sea Then I'd sing 'cause I know how it feels to be free Then I'd sing 'cause I know how it feels to be free
I wish I could share all the love that's in my heart I wish I could break all things that bind us apart Wish you could know what it means to be me And you'd see, you'd agree, everybody should be free ('Cause if we ain't we'd be murderers)
Wish I could be like a bird in the sky How sweet it would be if I could find that I could fly Soar to sun, look down at see and I know, yes I know (Ah, yeah, spirit's movin' now)
I know, I got news for you: I already know Jonathan Livingston's seagull ain't got nothing on me, free Free, free, free, I'm free, and I know it Don't wanna be a- and I show it, but I'm still free Just believe in me (It's alright) And I'd sing, sing, sing, 'cause I would know I already know I already know I found out How it feels not to be chained to anything, to any race, to any faith, to any body, to any greed, to any hopes, to any- anything I know how it feels to be free!