Proclamation: Family of Love

Transcribed and encoded by Ray Dufrense (DGHM 110, Spring 2023) - DRAFT

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            <title>By the Queene Family of loue.</title>
            <author><persName type="hist"><supplied reason="omitted">unknown</supplied></persName></author>
            <author><orgName>English Crown</orgName></author>
            <p>Printed by <persName type="hist"><forename>Christopher</forename>
            <p>Information about the source
                  <!-- Working from(microfilm) copy available via EEBO --><idno><!-- INSERT STC NUMBER HERE FROM WORKS CITED --></idno></p>
         <p>TEI P5</p>
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               <title>By the Queene. A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue.</title><lb/>
               <title style="text-align:center; font-size:400%; font-style:roman;">By the Queene</title><lb/>
               <hi style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue.</hi><lb/>
               <seg style="decorInit"><hi style="font-size:500%">W</hi></seg>hereas by reporte of ſundry of the biſhops of this Realme, &amp; others hauing cure of<lb/>
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">ſoules, the Queenes Maieſtie is informed, that in ſundry places of her ſaid Realme,</l><lb/>
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">in their ſurerall dioccſſes, there are certaine perſons which doe ſecretly in corners,</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">make pryuy aſſemblies of diuers ſimple unlearned people, &amp; after they haue craftily</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">&amp; hypocritically allured them to eſteeme them to be more holy &amp; perfect men then o-</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">ther are, they doe then teach them damnable hereſies, directly contrary to diuers of</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">the principall Articles of our Beliefe and Chriſtain faith, &amp; in ſome parts to abſurde</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">and fanatical, as by fayning to them ſelues a monſtruous new kind of ſpeach neuer</l><lb/> 
               <l style="margin-left:12em;">found in the Scriptures, nor in ancient father or writer of Chriſts Church, by which</l><lb/> 
               they doc moue ignorant &amp; ſimple people at the firſt rather to marueile at them, then to underſtand them: but yet to<lb/> 
               colour their ſect withall, they name them ſelues to be of the familie of loue, and then as many as ſhall be allowed by<lb/> 
               them to be of that familie, to be elect &amp; ſaued, and all others of what Church ſo euer they be, to be reiected and damned:<lb/>
               And for that upon conuenting of ſome of them before the Biſhops and ordinaries, it is founde that the ground of their<lb/>
               ſect maintained by certaine lewd, heretical, &amp; ſeditious bookes firſt made in the Dutch tongue, and lately tranſlated<lb/>
               into Engliſh, and printed beyonde the ſeas, and ſecretly brought ouer into the realme, the authour whereof they name<lb/>
               E.N. without yeelding to him upon their examination, any other name. In whole name they haue certaine Bookes let<lb/>
               fourth called <hi style="font-style:italic;">Euangelium Regni, or a joyful Meſſage of the Kingdome. Documentall ſentences. The Prophecie of the ſpi-<lb/>
                  <unclear reason="illegible"></unclear>. A publiſhing of the peace vpon the earth</hi>, and ſuch like. And conſidering alſo it is found, that theſe Sectaries<lb/>
               holde opinion, that they may before any Magiſtrate Eccleſiaſtical or temporal, or any other perſon not being profeſſed<lb/>
               to be of their ſect (which they terme the familie of loue) by othe or otherwiſe deny any thing for their aduantage, ſo as<lb/>
               though many of them are well knowen to be teachers &amp; ſpreaders abroade of theſe dangerous and damnable ſects,<lb/>
               yet by their owne conteſſion they can not be condemned, whereby they are more dangerous in any Chriſtian Realme:<lb/>
               Therefore her Maieſtie being very ſory to ſee ſo great an euill by the malice of the Deuil firſt begun and practiſed in<lb/>
               other countryes, to be now brought into this her Realme, and that by her Biſhops and ordinaries, ſhee underſtandeth<lb/>
               it beer requiſite, not only to haue theſe dangerous Heretikes &amp; Sectaries to be ſeuerly puniſhed, but that alſo all other<lb/>
               means be vſed by her Maieſties Royall authorytie, which is giuen her of God to defend Chriſtes church, to roote<lb/>
               them out from further infecting of her Realme, ſhee hath thought meete and conuenient, and ſo by this her proclama- <lb/>
               tion. ſhee willeth and commandeth that all her officers &amp; Miniſters temporall, ſhal in al their ſeucral vocations, aſſiſt <lb/>
               the Archbyſbops and Biſhops of her Realme, and all other perſsons Eccleſiaſticall hauing cure of ſoule, to ſearch out<lb/>
               all perſons duely ſuſpected to be either teachers or profeſſors of the forelaid damnable ſects, and by al good meanes to<lb/>
               proceede ſeuerely againſt them being found culpable, by order of the lawes either Eccleſiaſticall or temporall &amp;, that<lb/>
               also ſearch be made in all places ſuſpected for the bookes and writings maintayning the ſaid hereſies and ſects, and<lb/>
               them to deſtroy and burne. And whereſoeuer ſuch bookes ſhalbe found after the publication hereof, in cuſtodie of any<lb/>
               perſon, other then ſuch as the ordinaries ſhal permitte, to the intent of peruſe the ſame for confutation thereof, the<lb/>
               ſame perſos to be attached and committed to cloſe priſon, there to remaine, or otherwiſe by law to be condemned, vntil<lb/>
               the ſame ſhalbe purged and cleared of the ſame Heretics or ſhal recant the ſame, and be thought meete by the ordinarie of<lb/>
               the place to be deliuered. And that whoſoeuer rin this Realme ſhall either print or bring or cauſe to be brought into this<lb/>
               Realme, any of the ſaid bookes, the ſame perſons to be attached and committed to priſon, and to receiue ſuch bodily pu-<lb/>
               niſhment and other mulct, as fautors of damnable Hereſies. And to the execution hereof, her Maieſtie chargeth all her<lb/>
               Officers and Miniſters both Eccleſiaſticall and Temporal, to haue ſpecial regard, as they will anſwere not only aſore<lb/>
               God, whole glorie and trueth is by theſe damnable ſects greatly ſought to be defaced, but alſo will auoyde her Ma-<lb/>
               eſties indignation, which in ſuch caſes as theſe are, they ought not eſcape, if they ſhal be found negligent &amp; careleſſe,<lb/>
               in the Execution of their authorities. Given at our Manour of Richmond the third of October, in the two and twen-<lb/>
               tieth yeere of our Reigne.<lb/>
               <lg><l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:roman">God ſaue the Queene.</l><lb/>
                  <l style="text-align:center; font-size:400% font-style:roman">Imprinted at London by Chriſto-</l><lb/>
                  <l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moſt ex-<lb/></l>
                  <l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">cellent Maieſtie.</l><lb/>
By the Queene Family of loue. unknown English Crown

Printed by Christopher Barker

Information about the source


By the Queene. A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue. By the Queene A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue. W hereas by reporte of ſundry of the biſhops of this Realme, & others hauing cure of ſoules, the Queenes Maieſtie is informed, that in ſundry places of her ſaid Realme, in their ſurerall dioccſſes, there are certaine perſons which doe ſecretly in corners, make pryuy aſſemblies of diuers ſimple unlearned people, & after they haue craftily & hypocritically allured them to eſteeme them to be more holy & perfect men then o- ther are, they doe then teach them damnable hereſies, directly contrary to diuers of the principall Articles of our Beliefe and Chriſtain faith, & in ſome parts to abſurde and fanatical, as by fayning to them ſelues a monſtruous new kind of ſpeach neuer found in the Scriptures, nor in ancient father or writer of Chriſts Church, by which they doc moue ignorant & ſimple people at the firſt rather to marueile at them, then to underſtand them: but yet to colour their ſect withall, they name them ſelues to be of the familie of loue, and then as many as ſhall be allowed by them to be of that familie, to be elect & ſaued, and all others of what Church ſo euer they be, to be reiected and damned: And for that upon conuenting of ſome of them before the Biſhops and ordinaries, it is founde that the ground of their ſect maintained by certaine lewd, heretical, & ſeditious bookes firſt made in the Dutch tongue, and lately tranſlated into Engliſh, and printed beyonde the ſeas, and ſecretly brought ouer into the realme, the authour whereof they name E.N. without yeelding to him upon their examination, any other name. In whole name they haue certaine Bookes let fourth called Euangelium Regni, or a joyful Meſſage of the Kingdome. Documentall ſentences. The Prophecie of the ſpi- . A publiſhing of the peace vpon the earth, and ſuch like. And conſidering alſo it is found, that theſe Sectaries holde opinion, that they may before any Magiſtrate Eccleſiaſtical or temporal, or any other perſon not being profeſſed to be of their ſect (which they terme the familie of loue) by othe or otherwiſe deny any thing for their aduantage, ſo as though many of them are well knowen to be teachers & ſpreaders abroade of theſe dangerous and damnable ſects, yet by their owne conteſſion they can not be condemned, whereby they are more dangerous in any Chriſtian Realme: Therefore her Maieſtie being very ſory to ſee ſo great an euill by the malice of the Deuil firſt begun and practiſed in other countryes, to be now brought into this her Realme, and that by her Biſhops and ordinaries, ſhee underſtandeth it beer requiſite, not only to haue theſe dangerous Heretikes & Sectaries to be ſeuerly puniſhed, but that alſo all other means be vſed by her Maieſties Royall authorytie, which is giuen her of God to defend Chriſtes church, to roote them out from further infecting of her Realme, ſhee hath thought meete and conuenient, and ſo by this her proclama- tion. ſhee willeth and commandeth that all her officers & Miniſters temporall, ſhal in al their ſeucral vocations, aſſiſt the Archbyſbops and Biſhops of her Realme, and all other perſsons Eccleſiaſticall hauing cure of ſoule, to ſearch out all perſons duely ſuſpected to be either teachers or profeſſors of the forelaid damnable ſects, and by al good meanes to proceede ſeuerely againſt them being found culpable, by order of the lawes either Eccleſiaſticall or temporall &, that also ſearch be made in all places ſuſpected for the bookes and writings maintayning the ſaid hereſies and ſects, and them to deſtroy and burne. And whereſoeuer ſuch bookes ſhalbe found after the publication hereof, in cuſtodie of any perſon, other then ſuch as the ordinaries ſhal permitte, to the intent of peruſe the ſame for confutation thereof, the ſame perſos to be attached and committed to cloſe priſon, there to remaine, or otherwiſe by law to be condemned, vntil the ſame ſhalbe purged and cleared of the ſame Heretics or ſhal recant the ſame, and be thought meete by the ordinarie of the place to be deliuered. And that whoſoeuer rin this Realme ſhall either print or bring or cauſe to be brought into this Realme, any of the ſaid bookes, the ſame perſons to be attached and committed to priſon, and to receiue ſuch bodily pu- niſhment and other mulct, as fautors of damnable Hereſies. And to the execution hereof, her Maieſtie chargeth all her Officers and Miniſters both Eccleſiaſticall and Temporal, to haue ſpecial regard, as they will anſwere not only aſore God, whole glorie and trueth is by theſe damnable ſects greatly ſought to be defaced, but alſo will auoyde her Ma- eſties indignation, which in ſuch caſes as theſe are, they ought not eſcape, if they ſhal be found negligent & careleſſe, in the Execution of their authorities. Given at our Manour of Richmond the third of October, in the two and twen- tieth yeere of our Reigne. God ſaue the Queene. Imprinted at London by Chriſto- pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moſt ex- cellent Maieſtie.



By the Queene Family of loue. unknown English Crown

Printed by Christopher Barker

Information about the source


By the Queene. A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue. By the Queene A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue. W hereas by reporte of ſundry of the biſhops of this Realme, & others hauing cure of ſoules, the Queenes Maieſtie is informed, that in ſundry places of her ſaid Realme, in their ſurerall dioccſſes, there are certaine perſons which doe ſecretly in corners, make pryuy aſſemblies of diuers ſimple unlearned people, & after they haue craftily & hypocritically allured them to eſteeme them to be more holy & perfect men then o- ther are, they doe then teach them damnable hereſies, directly contrary to diuers of the principall Articles of our Beliefe and Chriſtain faith, & in ſome parts to abſurde and fanatical, as by fayning to them ſelues a monſtruous new kind of ſpeach neuer found in the Scriptures, nor in ancient father or writer of Chriſts Church, by which they doc moue ignorant & ſimple people at the firſt rather to marueile at them, then to underſtand them: but yet to colour their ſect withall, they name them ſelues to be of the familie of loue, and then as many as ſhall be allowed by them to be of that familie, to be elect & ſaued, and all others of what Church ſo euer they be, to be reiected and damned: And for that upon conuenting of ſome of them before the Biſhops and ordinaries, it is founde that the ground of their ſect maintained by certaine lewd, heretical, & ſeditious bookes firſt made in the Dutch tongue, and lately tranſlated into Engliſh, and printed beyonde the ſeas, and ſecretly brought ouer into the realme, the authour whereof they name E.N. without yeelding to him upon their examination, any other name. In whole name they haue certaine Bookes let fourth called Euangelium Regni, or a joyful Meſſage of the Kingdome. Documentall ſentences. The Prophecie of the ſpi- . A publiſhing of the peace vpon the earth, and ſuch like. And conſidering alſo it is found, that theſe Sectaries holde opinion, that they may before any Magiſtrate Eccleſiaſtical or temporal, or any other perſon not being profeſſed to be of their ſect (which they terme the familie of loue) by othe or otherwiſe deny any thing for their aduantage, ſo as though many of them are well knowen to be teachers & ſpreaders abroade of theſe dangerous and damnable ſects, yet by their owne conteſſion they can not be condemned, whereby they are more dangerous in any Chriſtian Realme: Therefore her Maieſtie being very ſory to ſee ſo great an euill by the malice of the Deuil firſt begun and practiſed in other countryes, to be now brought into this her Realme, and that by her Biſhops and ordinaries, ſhee underſtandeth it beer requiſite, not only to haue theſe dangerous Heretikes & Sectaries to be ſeuerly puniſhed, but that alſo all other means be vſed by her Maieſties Royall authorytie, which is giuen her of God to defend Chriſtes church, to roote them out from further infecting of her Realme, ſhee hath thought meete and conuenient, and ſo by this her proclama- tion. ſhee willeth and commandeth that all her officers & Miniſters temporall, ſhal in al their ſeucral vocations, aſſiſt the Archbyſbops and Biſhops of her Realme, and all other perſsons Eccleſiaſticall hauing cure of ſoule, to ſearch out all perſons duely ſuſpected to be either teachers or profeſſors of the forelaid damnable ſects, and by al good meanes to proceede ſeuerely againſt them being found culpable, by order of the lawes either Eccleſiaſticall or temporall &, that also ſearch be made in all places ſuſpected for the bookes and writings maintayning the ſaid hereſies and ſects, and them to deſtroy and burne. And whereſoeuer ſuch bookes ſhalbe found after the publication hereof, in cuſtodie of any perſon, other then ſuch as the ordinaries ſhal permitte, to the intent of peruſe the ſame for confutation thereof, the ſame perſos to be attached and committed to cloſe priſon, there to remaine, or otherwiſe by law to be condemned, vntil the ſame ſhalbe purged and cleared of the ſame Heretics or ſhal recant the ſame, and be thought meete by the ordinarie of the place to be deliuered. And that whoſoeuer rin this Realme ſhall either print or bring or cauſe to be brought into this Realme, any of the ſaid bookes, the ſame perſons to be attached and committed to priſon, and to receiue ſuch bodily pu- niſhment and other mulct, as fautors of damnable Hereſies. And to the execution hereof, her Maieſtie chargeth all her Officers and Miniſters both Eccleſiaſticall and Temporal, to haue ſpecial regard, as they will anſwere not only aſore God, whole glorie and trueth is by theſe damnable ſects greatly ſought to be defaced, but alſo will auoyde her Ma- eſties indignation, which in ſuch caſes as theſe are, they ought not eſcape, if they ſhal be found negligent & careleſſe, in the Execution of their authorities. Given at our Manour of Richmond the third of October, in the two and twen- tieth yeere of our Reigne. God ſaue the Queene. Imprinted at London by Chriſto- pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moſt ex- cellent Maieſtie.